Pool Training
Are you as comfortable hanging upside down in the water as paddling right way up? Come and practice in the warmth and comfort of the pool then!
Pool training at Tromsøbadet
We regularly organise kayak practice sessions in the indoor warmth and comfort of Tromsøbadet. This is a great way to hone your paddling skills, particularly during the cold and dark periods of the year when you may not want to hang around upside down in the cold sea!
Normal training times are as follows (but please check out our Facebook page for updates and to sign up):
Tuesday 19:30-21:00 - Rolling and practicing of other paddling skills is the focus here. This is not a formally instructed session, rather a place to learn as a group of peers. Don’t worry if you’re new though, there is usually someone on hand to give some tips.
Thursday 19:30-21:00 - Kajakkpolo is the name of the game. This is mostly a fun way to again practice those paddling skills, this time in combination with ballsport. No previous experience is necessary, here you will quickly learn to be maneuver and be comfortable in the kayak!
You can get a personal wristband for Tromsøbadet that will give access to the main swimming pool during our training times. Read below for what you need to do!
First of all! Make sure you have joined TSI and Trulle and remember to pay the membership fees.
1. Go to https://www.tromsobadet.no/
2. Go to "Min side"
3. Click Register
4. Fill in details, put a 1 at the end of your first name e.g. Rowan1 (to indicate you're with a sports club)
5. Tell them that you have registered when you arrive at the pool and that you're part of TSI Trulle. They will give you a blue wristband, which you need to pay 65kr for. This will give access to the main swimming pool during our training times. Do not use the wristband for access that is not related to our training sessions or it may be confiscated.
IMPORTANT: if you don't have a wristband you can still join the pool sessions, just ask for a single use wristband at the front desk when you arrive :)