Become a
You must be a member of (1) TSI and (2) Trulle to be a member of Trulle
Register for TSI and Trulle by using this form:
(1) TSI membership is per calendar year (1 Jan-31 Dec). It costs 300 nok for students and 500 nok for non-students and is paid only once per year regardless of how many TSI subgroups you join.
(2) Kajakk/Trulle membership for 6 months costs 250 nok, while 12 months costs 400 nok. The membership period does NOT run from the date you sign up so you’ll always get first or second 6 months of calendar year with Trulle. We will try to adjust / follow semesters at UiT as good as we can.
As long as you are a valid member of Trulle, you will be invoiced for the Trulle fee, twice a year. You can quit your membership whenever you want like this.
If you already registered with another TSI sport you do not need to pay the TSI fee again.
By clicking the button above you can register and pay your membership fees.
You need to be a member of both the parent group TSI and the sub-group TSI Kajakk/Trulle in order to join in for fun paddling activities. Welcome!